Wednesday, December 4, 2013


So they still don't know what's wrong, but we are going to try putting her on EleCare formula. If she tolerates that, does not vomit, and does not get bowel distention; then we can try going back to breast milk. They want me to try taking dairy out of my diet to see how she does being reintroduced to that. They don't know if that is the cause, but some babies can't digest the proteins carried through breast milk from other milk.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, my good friend in Des Moines recently had to cut all dairy from her diet while she's breastfeeding, it helped for her little one. I hope that helps for Olivia, feeding issues are just the worst.
    Y'all have really had a rough go of things. I know you've got lots of family around, but if you need someone to talk to, or someone to come help with laundry/food. Just hollar. *hugs*
