Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Cold Season

Cold season is coming upon us and yet many people refer to it as "cold season," meaning it is that virus time of year. For us, "cold season" is once a month like clockwork for Marshall and Olivia. Since labor day sickness, it was a slow recovery getting back to normal and now they have come down with their customary monthly colds. 

Since labor day we have been restricting Olivia's diet of dairy and red meat. We weren't sure how she would respond to this diet, with willingness or reluctance, but she has taken to it like a sponge soaking up water. I think part of her thinks she's pretty special when she goes to daycare and she's the only one eating fill-in-the-blank, something different than everyone else.

I also believe she knows she has been feeling better. That helps me to avoid corn because I know that I will be doubled over in pain later once it hits my gut. I would think it would be the same for her.

It’s only the first cold since we have started her on this menu, and it’s too soon to get hopeful, but I am hopeful that it is already working. Every time she has a cold, she pukes. She would puke at daycare, in her sleep, etc. She hasn’t puked once yet with this one. Maybe she will with the next cold, but for now I will remain hopeful.

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