The first book "When ALS is Lyme" 'Examines... the link between ALS and Neuroborreliosis.'
The author writes "I never pick an opinion based on what I'd like to be true. I base my opinions on a genuine curiosity into discovering the truth. I have Lyme disease myself.
For lack of much help from the medical profession, in my quest to self-treat myself out of this mess, getting informed about this subject meant turning it into a special interest involving 15 years of self-study in medical literature, but also digging through countless anecdotal reports by patients, original research and my own experiences and treatment experiments with Lyme disease. Not to mention my communications with microbiologists.
Now, when most people say they've "studied medical literature" they mean they read an abstract here and there. When I say I studied the medical literature, I mean that instead of doing all kinds of nice things in summer, I spent it mainly purchasing studies and going over them with a fine-tooth comb, then correlating them with other studies.
Eventually, out comes a book or an article, such as with my free eBook on Lyme disease as a frequent cause of ALS and my "bestseller" (> 15000 Facebook likes, yay!) on Lyme as the cause of Multiple Sclerosis."
The second book "Multiple sclerosis is Lyme disease: Anatomy of a cover-up" delves into the concealment 'since 1911 that Multiple Sclerosis is caused by a bacterium' and therefore can be cured.
The author says, "I intended to write a book on Lyme as a major cause of Alzheimer (Microbiologist Judith Miklossy found that the brains of Alzheimer patients contained in 25% of cases living Borellia bacteria, and in 75% of cases oral Treponema (also spirochetal bacteria)). But since I got lambasted beyond the pale when I started giving away my Lyme/ALS book, I decided to leave the connection between Spirochetes and Alzheimer as an exercise for the reader. I think I made my point very well - my article about Lyme as the cause of MS contains so much hard evidence that it is impossible to dismiss as "opinion" or "conspiracy theory"."
Source of author's quotes linked here
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