Tuesday, September 20, 2016

"God in His wisdom made the fly, and then forgot to tell us why."

When the children were still recuperating and getting cabin fever, we ventured outside for a little while before those nasty black, biting bugs sent us back inside, If it's not one bug, it's another. God could have let all bugs drown in the flood, and I would not have minded one little bit.

Going outside with Daddy the next day but still not feeling 100%.

Found some boots for Marshall at the second hand store, but they are a little too big yet. I had to buy some cowboy boots that he could wear now through next spring too because when I try to get Olivia to wear her cowboy boots, she asks, "Is Marshall wearing his?" When I tell her he doesn't have any, then it's a no-go. She has to be exactly like Marshall!

Marshall learning to "dance." 

Found a record player and so we "danced" to some classical music.

Marshall is dancing to "Return to Snowy River" soundtrack.

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