Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Day 19

I was in the room when the doctors did rounds today. They said she gained 1lb in a week, and that was "generous." So they lowered the 150cc per kilo down to 130. If she still gains weight, they'll lower it more. So now they multiply 130 kilo times her weight, divided by 8 feedings a day. This is her new total at each feeding. So right now she's at 58cc total. She was over 60cc with the 150kilo.

2am she bottled 35cc, and at her 8am nipple feed she slept through it. Lactation came and observed me again at 2pm, and she nursed 6cc. At 8pm she nursed 2cc. (First the scale said zero, and after reweighing it changed to 2cc)

Onesie #4

If you have been wondering: physical therapy came last week and gave Olivia a 'noggin' to sleep on. They said she had a flat spot in her cheek from how she laid in utero. I don't notice it, but they said it is getting better. They also said she needed it to gain more neck mobility as she always laid the same direction and her muscles were tight on one side of her neck from that.

The pink thing is what they call the 'noggin.'

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