Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Nov 26

Well, it's official. We are home! Olivia still has the feeding tube in, so last night and today we spent figuring out the best system. We don't have a pump like the hospital used, so we are doing it by hand using a syringe to push into the feeding tube.

The nicu told us to only have 6 people hold Olivia and everyone else can WASH hands and just look! They recommend this for the next two months since she is/was a nicu baby.

She had her first well child check with our local doctor to watch her growth and give shots/ immunizations.

There literally is no sleeping anymore. With the feeding tube time there ends up being about 1.5hrs between feeds left since we feed every 3 hrs. It takes about 1 to 1.5 hrs to feed her each time. I'll let you do the math.


1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness.. that is a rough feeding schedule. So happy that she's doing so well though. Her tiny little belly will grow fast, hang in there! At least y'all are out of the hospital, I don't know how anyone ever recovers from anything at those places. Home is best. :-D
